Following eagles in the Balkans

We had two main aims when we visited the countries of the Western Balkans. On the one hand, we intended to establish contacts there with conservationists to have a better picture about the significance of poisoning in these areas, so that we can calculate the probability of Imperial Eagles getting into trouble by this threat, and on the other hand, we helped wrapping up the Moustached Warbler expeditions organized by the Izsáki Bird Observatory and the Kiskunsági Bird Conservation Organization in the past twelve years.

Numbers of nest guarding volunteers rose continuously in the past three years

One of the main goals of HELICON LIFE+ project running from 2012 through 2016 is to reduce bird crime targeting birds of prey species (poisoning, shooting, nest robbing). Egg collecting and taking chicks from nests have been considered gone, however, much to our surprise, these forms of crime occur, every year.

Oases in agricultural lands – abandoned farms and the protection of Imperial Eagles in the Jászság

Traditional agricultural farming had survived through more than a thousand years and with its mosaic, small parcels and widespread practice of grazing formed and maintained the characteristic landscape of the Great Plains. This lifestyle had always functioned in a self-sustaining way offering habitat for all kinds of animals, which learnt how to exploit these possibilities.


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