Numbers of nest guarding volunteers rose continuously in the past three years

One of the main goals of HELICON LIFE+ project running from 2012 through 2016 is to reduce bird crime targeting birds of prey species (poisoning, shooting, nest robbing). Egg collecting and taking chicks from nests have been considered gone, however, much to our surprise, these forms of crime occur, every year.

Therefore, we launched nest guarding in the past three breeding seasons with help of volunteers (details of 2014 action >>). Nest guards were supposed to watch the most vulnerable eagle nests. Based on experience of the past few decades in guarding Saker and Imperial Eagle nests, human presence keeps away intentional perpetrators. Moreover, we could prevent causing unintentional damage, as well.

Eagles are exceptionally sensitive around the nest during hatching. Should someone walk by the nest a few hundred meters during these weeks, they would leave the nest for good. If nest guards are around they can warn them in time.

Reviewing data from the last three years, it is clear that immense volunteer work has been done!


Number of guarded nest

Number of volunteers

Number of guarding days

Number of volunteers days

Number of fledged chicks

Saved chicks / eggs number


























1 889



If one index needed to be picked out then it should be the 21 chicks that fledged, which means ten new pairs for the national population being at 150-170 pairs in 2014.

A short film, that was made this season, is not only a teaser but also a tribute to all those who
volunteered for this cause and contributed to the conservation of this species


We thank all our volunteers for their courageous work!

Albert Krisztián, Antal András, Aradi Zsuzsa, Ádámszki Szabolcs, Babicz Ágnes, Bai Evelin, Bakos Ivett, Bancsik Györgyi, Baranyi Hajnalka, Barati Balázs, Barati Sándor, Baricska Péter, Barna Máté, Bartos Nándor, Bathó Beatrix, Bathó Henriett, Bedekovich Anna, Beke István, Belankáné Balogh Anikó, Benesovits Nóra, Benesovits Nóra, Berczi Zoltán, Berecz Dániel, Berki Boglárka, Blik Patrik, Bodó Bendegúz, Bodó János, Bognár Ferenc András, Bolf Gergely Balázs, Bősze Dániel, Burányi Virág Lilla, Búzás Balázs, Ceyhuni-Szabó Zsuzsa, Czakó Bernadett, Csajtay Zsófia, Csatlós András, Cseresnyés Csenge, Deák Gábor, Demeter Katalin, Dénes Marcell, Deutsch Zsoltné, Dobos Zoltán, Dobrosi Tamás, Dócs Olívia, Enyedi Róbert, Erdei Benedek, Erőss Anikó, Eszes Dorottya Réka, Farkas M. Vivien, Farquar Anna, Fatér Imre, Fera Gábor, Forintos Nikolett, Gál Zoltán, Garam Balázs, Gazdag Angéla, Géringer Miklós, Gerner Gerda, Godó Laura, Gönczi Ádám, Göndöcs Ede, Göndöcs Kevin, Göndöcs Mendi, Göndöcsné Kis Brigitta, Gönye Zsuzsanna, Gránicz Laura, Gregus Alexandra, Gyóni Ferenc, Hák Flóra, Halász Dániel, Halász Fanni, Halász Zsuzsanna, Hammer Tamás, Hatvani Krisztina, Horváth Ágnes, Horváth Csaba, Janó Gizella, Jordán Sándor, Judák Tamás, Juhász Gergő, Kanyó Csaba, Kaposvári Gábor, Kárpáti János, Kasza Veronika, Kaszab Attila, Kecskés Dávid, Kemény Attila, Kemény Sándor, Kerekes Ádám, Kerti Richárd, Kis Tamás, Kiss Bernadett, Kiss Gyöngyi, Kiss Janka Judit, Kiss Tamás, Komáromi Kornél, Kosiciarová Lucia, Kota Csaba, Kovács Alexandra, Körömi Krisztina, Krajcsovszky Bence, Krivek Gabriella, Kurucz Gábor, Laky Eszter, Lambert Ferenc, Leskó Gabriella, Lippóczy Gábor Attila, Lovász Kata, Lovász Marcell, Ludmány Orsolya, Lukács Zsolt, Major Csilla, Majoros György, Makkay Szabolcs , Márkus Alexandra, Márkus Alexandra, Márton István, Mátó Gergő, Meizner Mariann, Menczelesz Noémi, Menkó Mónika, Menyhért Ádám, Módra Gábor, Molnár Dániel, Monoki Ákos, Mórucz Balázs, Nagy Imréné, Nagy Kitti, Nagy Péter, Nagy Zsolt, Németh Attila, Németh Bálint, Németh Roland, Neubauer Gábor, Nyírádi Katalin, Nyírádi Zsuzsa, Oláh Rita, Orosz István, Orosz-Tóth Dávid, Pálóczi Gyula, Pászti Laura, Pecák Judit, Peszeki Zoltán, Petrovics Viktória, Piffkó Dániel, Pinczési Dóra, Pirk Dániel, Pogonyi Máté, Prepok Tamás, Prepok Hanga, Rácz János, Rádai Károly, Rapala Miklós, Rébeli-Szabó Zsolt, Rusvai Katalin, Rutterschmid Rajmund, Sándorffy Attila , Sebestyén Zsolt, Shrut Ilona, Sike Péter, Sinka Márk, Spanyol Migel, Stefán László, Stilling Ferenc, Suba Beatrix, Szabó Tünde, Szák Zsófia, Szakács Ágnes, Szakálos Ernő, Szák-Kocsis Endre, Szalai Csenge, Szalai Ivett Csenge, Szántó Viktória, Szarka Gábor, Szász János, Szélig Bence, Szentkereszty Zita, Szilágyi Zsófia, Szitta Imola, Szoboszlay Zoltán, Szőllősi Lívia, Szöllősy Balázs, Tallósi Béla, Tamás Brigitta, Tor Norbert, Tor Róbert, Tóth Attila, Tóth Katalin, Tóth Tamás, Tőrös Norbert, Trefeli Alexandra, Turny Zoltán, Ujj Barbara, Varga Szilárd, Ványi Péter, Víg Lilla, Vincze Mária, Vincze Péter, Vincze Szilvia, Vodicska Babett, Volek Nikoletta, Zelenák Attila, Zsámboki Tibor.


If you are interested in the adventure of nest guarding, please follow the news on the website, where an announcement for 2015 will be available soon or get in touch with our colleague Imre Fatér through his email address!


Imre Fatér  – Zoltán Orbán

Air Jordan IV 4 Shoes

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